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Collège Choiseul - Amboise
Collège Choiseul - Amboise
- Amboise

Site du collège Choiseul à Amboise en Indre et Loire (37)

La Section LCE du Collège Choiseul

La Section LCE du Collège Choiseul

Article mis en ligne le 1er juillet 2024

par Rédacteur

For Years 8, 9, 10, there is the possibility to attend two extra hours of English a week. Lessons are different from the curriculum and focus on culture, speaking activities and various projects.

To apply :
At the end of year 7, a document is to be filled and handed back to the form teacher. The registration forms are sorted out and 24 applicants are selected.

To be selected :
Some qualities are required to join the group : the pupil must be hardworking, enthusiastic and ready to get involved. In this group all the pupils are creative, curious, open minded, tolerant and sociable ; Since there are many group works, the applicant must be ready to work with anybody.

There is no room for competition but collaboration, respect and flexibility are some keywords to be happy in LCE.

Examples of activities from the last years :
- Reading activities : students were able to read a book in English – for some, it was the first time. The book is generally chosen to let students make connections with their history or literature curriculum ; It was the opportunity to learn a lot of vocabulary and play roles.

- Elections of Headboys and Headgirls : to be chosen as speaker for the class, applicants had to make a speech in front of the heads to explain who they were and what projects they had to make their school a better place.

- Thanksgiving : students discovered how complex this chapter of American history can be from the Natives perspective.

- Remembrance Day : Year 10 were in charge of the show for the 11th November to help the younger ones understand the symbol of poppies and discover the poem In Flanders Fields.

Rejoindre la section LCE est un vrai bonus dans sa scolarité : ouverture culturelle, entrainement à la gestion de projets, pratique supplémentaire de la langue orale, développement de qualités nécessaires pour le vivre-ensemble.